At Fleetwood Primary School we focus on ‘The Big 6’ of reading. This includes oral language, vocabulary, phonics, phonological awareness, fluency and comprehension.
Oral Language
Oral language is the way we use spoken words to express, knowledge, ideas, and feelings. Developing oral language involves developing the skills and knowledge that go into listening and speaking—all of which have a strong relationship to reading comprehension and to writing.
Vocabulary knowledge is the understanding of specific words either orally or written. Vocabulary knowledge is a very important factor for developing reading comprehension and good written expression. Although most children learn vocabulary through listening, reading and conversation, some vocabulary needs to be directly taught.
Phonics is the knowledge of letter-sound correspondences and their use when reading and spelling. The English language is alphabetic so being able to decode print is an essential skill, as is the need to recognise words. The focus of phonics learning is to help readers understand how letters are linked to sounds which form patterns for both decoding (reading) and encoding (writing/spelling).
Phonological Awareness
Phonological awareness is the ability to hear, identify, blend, segment and manipulate the sounds or phonemes in spoken words. It also refers to a series of skills such as identifying individual words in sentences, and understanding word parts such as syllables and rhyme. Phonological awareness is initially an auditory process. Young children learn to identify and appreciate environmental sounds then experiment with making different types of sounds themselves. The recognition of letter names and sounds is a bridge between matching phonemes (sounds) to graphemes (letters).
Fluency is the ability to read text automatically and accurately. It is reading words without conscious effort. When children read with proper fluent reading skills they are more able to remember and comprehend the text.
Comprehension is the end goal for all reading activity. It is a complex process which involves conscious interaction between the reader and the text. Good readers use strategies to interrogate text for several different levels of meaning. Good readers also monitor their comprehension as they read.
While all areas of ‘The Big 6’ are taught throughout all grade levels at Fleetwood Primary School, in the junior school the focus is more heavily weighted to the skills phonological awareness and phonics, while the senior school spends more time delving into book studies to improve their comprehension.
In writing students focus on the various genres and the structure of each piece. They learn about the type of language used in different writing pieces and are encouraged to expand their vocabulary and differentiate their sentence structures to engage the reader. Students work through the steps of planning, drafting, editing, revising and publishing. Our writing program includes a range of instruction that focuses on the whole class, small group and individual needs. Teachers include time for modelled, shared, guided and independent writing.
At Fleetwood Primary School we are undergoing a whole school focus on the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Where students recognise the value and see the purpose of their learning in a real world setting. They feel supported to take risks and have the confidence to justify their reasoning.
As a priority teachers provide an inclusive program that meets the needs of all students. Open ended problem solving tasks are used to allow students to work on the same task while providing enrichment, extension and intervention opportunities.
Teachers ensure all core curriculum of mathematics is being taught including number and algebra, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability. They use a whole/small/whole model of teaching that gives students the opportunity for independent and collaborative learning.
At Fleetwood Primary School we firmly believe that every child can achieve success given sufficient time and assistance. We closely follow our student’s progress through regular formative and summative assessment tasks and modify our programs to suit student’s needs.
Digital Technologies
The digital learning journey at Fleetwood Primary school is a very enjoyable and enriching process filled with endless opportunities for students to be creative and imaginative.
Students are able to develop their problem solving skills and critical thinking when they learn how to use code and programming. Students use and Osmo coding sets to develop these skills. They are also taught the fundamentals of technologies to assist in their future learning in all areas.
They are able to understand the basics of robotics with our Bluebot robot sets. Students have been able to try their hands at animating using our Scratch Jr apps, and then using our special cameras for making stop motion animations. During our time students also get the proper information on how to be a safe, active member of the online community.
By using a combination of these apps and programs the students can consolidate their understandings of all things digital and technological.
Performing Arts
At Fleetwood Primary School, students enjoy a performing arts program including music, drama, and dance in a dedicated performance space.
Our Performing Arts Centre (PAC) provides each class with space to move and create a variety of performance comfortably.
Emphasis is placed on growing the children’s confidence and interpersonal skills through an interactive and supportive learning environment. We aim to encourage students to become problem solvers, critical and creative thinkers by exposing them to different forms of performing. Students experience different kinds of music genres through listening, singing, playing instruments, games and dancing. Our PAC is a well-resourced space with a wide variety of percussion instruments for all ages.
The Performing Arts are a valuable curriculum area and assist in educating the whole child. Music, Drama and Dance in our formats. Performing Arts learning is designed to promote enjoyment, engagement, skill and language development and understanding. The students learn through a range of activities, games, songs and dances. They use voice, movement, technology, body percussion and instruments to partake in a range of activities.
Physical Education
At Fleetwood Primary School, our students participate in a one hour Physical Education lesson once a week and one fifty minute sport lesson with their teacher. We believe in keeping our students active and fit so they can be healthy and happy kids who are ‘Safe, Responsible and Respectful’ learners.
In each Physical Education lesson, our junior students will focus on developing their fundamental motor skills in a range of different settings. Our students learn about the importance of teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship so they are prepared for competitive competition and sports. Students also participate in a weekly Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) aimed to improve our students eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills.
Each Term, our senior students in Physical Education will focus on two sports and learn important game sense strategies and fundamental movement skills required for both sports. Often, our students will use the skills they have practised in P.E and progress to District and Divisional competition. There is a strong emphasis on minor games and exercises aimed at developing our student’s communication, teamwork, resilience and fair play. We aim to develop a strong sense of sportsmanship amongst our students and promote constructive and positive experiences in sport.
There are many sporting events and programs at Fleetwood Primary School we are proud to offer:
- Fleetwood Cross Country Day
- Fleetwood Athletics Day
- Foundation to Grade Two Swimming Program
- Endeavour Hills District Hoop Time
- Fleetwood Football League (FFL)
- St Margaret’s Netball Competition
- Grade five to six interschool sport.
Visual Arts
At Fleetwood Primary school the students have a dedicated art room to explore a variety of different media in our PAC (Performing Arts Centre).
All students participate in a 60 minute session each week during semester one, focusing on skill development in particular or combined areas, in accordance with their developmental stage. Our aim is to deliver an exciting and engaging Visual Arts Program that enables students to develop the skills, techniques and processes to express themselves visually.
Visual Art stimulates the imagination. It develops self-esteem and encourages openness and understanding towards the opinion of others. Students learn to reflect on their own work and give positive feedback to their peers, this allows them to grow as artists and take pride in the art that they create. Work is shared around the school on display, using media to share with our school community and displayed in the wider community where the opportunity allows giving value to the finished product. Students are encouraged learn about their environment and the world around them in lessons, giving them an understanding and insight to how others live which helps develop empathy with others.
By enabling students to experiment with a broad range of materials and styles, we endeavour to nurture individual expression and creativity, appreciate artworks and develop an understanding of the elements and principles of art. Through the study of various artists and their works, students will be encouraged to identify specific art styles and discuss their responses to selected art work. Participation in the Visual Arts Program develops skills in group participation, problem solving, confidence, persistence, time management, responsibility, risk taking and personal pride.